But Farahani naked photos have been published in Le Figaro Madame magazine that makes a lot of fans excited about preaching in the facebook page, so the fans commenting on the news. among the fans there to support it there is also an insult
when it was, As reported in the Daily Telegraph, Thursday (01/19/2012) actress now living in Paris, actress at last year's leave Iran in protest over Islamic rules that limit themselves in the Iranian cinema industry. Now the Iranian government has even sent a message that told him to never return to his homeland. Iran is a state rule against him.
Iranian Women in the entertainment world was ever performed with famous Hollywood actor, Leonardo Di Caprio in the movie "Body of Lies". In the film, Farahani plays a nurse who helps the healing of a U.S. secret agent who wounded so that he could do it, his mission in a Muslim country.
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